This is a recipe I found on Simple Organic. Its an easy recipe and is totally safe for use during pregnancy. Hope you all enjoy it! I havent tried it yet but I plan to make some soon so I can give you my review on it!

Mouthwash is great for our mouths. This homemade version is antibacterial so it will not only help keep your teeth and gums healthy and free of unwanted debris, but it also will help with breath freshness. Making this recipe from scratch will even save you money as many of these ingredients you probably already have on hand at home.

This recipe makes about fourteen ounces and can be stored for two weeks in a dark, cool cupboard. Use it in the morning and the evening. 

Mix the following together and pour into a repurposed bottle of some sort. 

1 cup aloe vera juice (fairly inexpensive at Trader Joe’s among other places) Make sure its not flavored.

1/2 cup distilled water (I just used filtered)

1 tbsp. witch hazel

2 tsp. baking soda

20 drops peppermint essential oil (Cinnamon, Tea Tree and other antiseptic oils can be used. Lemon can also be used)

The taste of this mouthwash definitely differs from the store-bought conventional type, but I got used to it after a few times. It leaves your mouth feeling fresh and minty, using nothing artificial to get you that feeling!

My mom got her etsy up and has added two different tooth powders. One is a regular Peppermint recipe, which I think tastes pretty good, and the other one, which I haven't tried yet, is a Cinnamint version. Here is the link for my mom's shop: 

Feel free to check it out and give it a try. The tooth powder actually works better than regular pastes, in my opinion, and also naturally whitens your teeth gradually without damaging the enamel. Your dentist will love you for switching!