Many people these days are trying to steer clear of antibiotics, steroids, and prescriptions due to their exorbitant cost, side effects, and potential ineffectiveness. Here are some preparations you can make at home that are effective at treating most common skin conditions as well as oral infections.

** NOTE **
Whenever applying an ointment, cream, or oil to an infected are be sure to wash your hands before and after application, even if you are using cotton swabs, gauze or other means of application. Also, wash the area you are applying the treatment to in order to allow for maximum absorption and additional antiseptic properties.

Tea Tree Oil:  According to Wikipedia- Tea tree oil, or melaleuca oil, is a pale yellow colour to nearly colorless and clear essential oil with a fresh camphoraceous odor.[1] It is taken from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia, which is native to the northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. Tea tree oil should not be confused with tea oil, the sweet seasoning and cooking oil from pressed seeds of the tea plant Camellia sinensis (beverage tea), or the tea oil plant Camellia oleifera.

So here are some things you can use Tea Tree oil to treat, sometimes with greater effect than prescription drugs, and as long as you dont s
Cuts, Scrapes, Bug Bites and Stings: Wash the area and pat dry. Apply a few drops to the area 2 times a day till it heals. This prevents infection and help the wound heal faster and produce less scarring.

External and Vaginal Yeast Infection: For external use you can apply it at full strength or in a 70:30 preparation combined with olive or coconut oil. Shea Butter can also be used but olive and coconut oil is recommended for vaginal applications. For Vaginal Yeast infections apply the 70:30 preparation (preferably mixed with coconut oil) to a tampon and insert. Change it as necessary. Apply for up to 5 days to clear the infection. If it has not cleared after the 5 days, make an appointment with your doctor or try conventional pharmaceutical treatments.
Acne: Apply a few drops of Tea Tree oil to each blemish 3 times a day until the infection clears. For a full facial application mix 10 drops of Tea Tree Oil in 1 tblspn of olive oil or add a few drops to your usual moisturizer before each application. Tea Tree Oil is highly anti-bacterial and can kill the bacteria that cause acne outbreaks.

Fungal Nail Infections: Apply oil full strength to the nail and cuticle 2 times daily. Avoid bandaging the area as sunlight and fresh air will help speed the healing. Fungus likes warm dark places, so try to go barefoot or wear sandals as much as possible while treating an infection on the foot.

Ring Worm, Athletes Foot and Other Fungal Skin Infections: Can be applied full strength or in a 70:30 prep of Tea Tree and olive or coconut oil, shea butter, petroleum jelly, or other carrier cream or oil. Apply 2-3 times daily. For Ring Worm be sure to keep the affected area covered to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the body and to other surfaces or people. Ring Worm is highly contagious. For athletes foot you can apply the oil full strength or 70:30. You can also apply it in a  foot bath. Add 20 drops to a basin of warm water and soak the feet for 15 minutes. Repeat 3 times daily. Dry feet thoroughly and apply a few drops of oil to the affected area. Repeat this process till the infection has cleared.

Warts: Apply a few drops to the wart, cover with a gauze pad and tape in place. Do this at night and remove the pad on the morning. Repeat this process until the wart dies and has healed over. If the wart turns black it has died and will need to be removed, can be done with tweezers and minimal discomfort.
Gargle and Mouth Rinse: Mix 5 drops oil with 1 tblspn water. Swish in the mouth for 15-30 seconds and spit. DO NOT SWALLOW IT. That would be unpleasant. This can be used up to 4 times a day. In this preparation Tea Tree Oil can be used to treat oral thrush (yeast infection in the mouth) and any other fungal infection in the mouth, as well as clear up a herpes outbreak, disinfect sores, and help get rid of gingivitis and bad breath causing bacteria. Tea Tree gargle can also help clear up sore throats of various origins.

According to Wikipedia:  Lavender oil is an essential oil obtained by distillation from the flower spikes of certain species of lavender. Two forms are distinguished, lavender flower oil, a colorless oil, insoluble in water, having a density of 0.885 g/mL; and lavender spike oil, a distillate from the herb Lavandula latifolia, having density 0.905 g/mL.

Lavender Oil and Lavender Spike Oil are two different things. These remedies utilize Lavender Oil, and not Spike Oil. 

Aching Muscles
Add Epsom salts, according to directions on the package, and 5-15 drops of Lavender oil to warm or hot bath water. The soak helps ease and relax tense or sore muscles. 

Add a few drops of lavender oil to your regular moisturizer, face safe carrier oil such as almond, olive, shea butter, or generic face cream. Apply as a moisturizer or cleanser 1-3 times daily.

Bugs & Bacteria

Apply 1 drop to each insect bite to prevent infection, relieve itching and burning, and promote scar free healing. A 5% lavender dilution is a powerful antibacterial and can be used as a disinfectant.

Burns (minor)
Cool the burn under running cool water and pat dry. Apply a few drops to the burn using a spray or cotton ball. The oil will reduce pain and promote scar free healing.

Cuts & Wounds
Apply with a cotton ball after washing the cut or wound. Will reduce pain, prevent infection and promote scar free healing.

Warm a bottle of lavender oil in hot water for a minute or two, then gently massage a few drops into the skin around the ears and throat. For babies & small children, add 2-3 drops of the warmed oil to a little olive oil and massage in the same way.

Add a few drops to calamine lotion or carrier oil and apply to dry itchy patches of skin. This is a good method to use to treat and soothe eczema in children as well as adults.

Add 5 drops of lavender oil to a hot foot bath and relax. The feet are particularly porous and will allow for concentrated absorption into the body to provide greater relief of fatigue. This can also be accomplished by adding 10-20 drops of lavender to a hot bath.

For babies or small children, sponge them down very gently with lukewarm water with a drop or two of lavender oil. Allow the water to dry on the skin but be careful to not let them become chilled. This can be used with adults as well.

Giddy Spells, Faintness or Palpitations
Make your own smelling salts—sea salt , lavender, peppermint and basil oil. Keep these salts in a small dark glass bottle.

A lavender mist (distilled water with several drops of lavender oil in it) sprayed around the head can help relieve headaches. Lavender oil can also be massaged into the temples, forehead and nape of neck to reduce throbbing pain. This is particularly effective when Lavender is mixed with eucalyptus and peppermint. This can also be added to a cool or warm compress on the forehead and neck. These are also effective remedies for stress and anxiety, which are often an underlying cause of headaches.

To help to induce sleep, put 3 or 4 drops of lavender oil on your pillow or add a few drops to a diffuser. Do NOT use lavender in a difusser around infants or young children as this can cause them to have difficulty breathing. For babies, add 1 drop of lavender oil to 1 tablespoon of a carrier oil and massage into a babies back. A few drops can also be added to their bathwater.

Long-Haul Travel
Combine lavender, rosemary, Neroli, frankincense & clary sage, into your hand luggage and roll it over your pulse points to help you keep a clear head during those endless hours in the air.

Menstrual Cramps
Massage a few drops of lavender to your lower back and abdomen, or add a few drops to a warm compress to ease cramping.

Moths, Midges & Mosquitos
These annoying little insects all hate the smell of lavender. To prevent bites, mix 10-30 drops of lavender oil with witch hazel or rubbing alcohol in a spray/mist bottle to use in place of bug spray. For added benefit use cinnamon, eucalyptus, clove, rosemary, peppermint, spearmint, dried catnip, or lemongrass in any combination to help repel bugs. The stronger the scent of your homemade spray the more effective it will be. To prevent bites while you sleep you can mist your bed and pillow with the spray mentioned above, or soak a couple cotton wool balls in the oil and leave it on a saucer in front of the window or other entrances into the room. Lavender can also be used to ease the burning and itching from bug bites. Dab some oil over the bites to reduce pain, prevent infection, and promote scar free healing. Add or hang sachet packets of lavender in closets, drawers or any storage space to prevent moth damage to linens or clothing being kept in that space. Be sure to add a few drops of oil to the sachets each month to maintain their insect repelling properties. Add any of the oils listed for the insect repellent spray for added protection.

Scabies is an infestation of a tiny mite that burrows into your skin, causing scabs and intense itching. Rub the whole body with lavender oil, which can be mixed with a carrier oil if pure lavender irritates your skin, then alternate every day with a mixture of lavender oil and alcohol until the infestation has cleared. Change and wash bedding and clothes and spray down your mattress with lavender. Lavender oil on a dryer sheet can help kill any mites that may have survived the washing process.

Combine a mix of lavender oil with analgesic, antiviral & scar preventing essential oils to be dabbed on the sores or add a few drops on compresses to be applied to the legions. It usually produces a cure within 5-8 days.

Add lavender and thyme oil to near boiling water, or a humidifier/simmer pot that is essential oil compatible, and take long slow breaths of the steam through the nose. Cover your head with a towel to help trap the steam around your face. The heat and diffused oils will help sooth sore nasal passages, reduce swelling, and thin mucous. This can also help sooth chest congestion.

Add 8 drops of lavender oil and 4 drops of peppermint oil to a teaspoon of jojoba, almond or olive oil. Pour it into a cool-to-lukewarm bath and soak for 10 minutes. Pat the burn dry. 10-20 drops of Lavender added to a spray/mist bottle of distilled water can also be used to spray on the burn to relieve pain, prevent infection and promote scar free healing.

    Jacquie Fought

    I am wife, mother, lover, housekeeper and cook. I'm imperfect, so is my husband, and so is my marriage. And I wouldn't have it any other way!  


    February 2012


    Tea Tree Oil