So hairspray and detanglers aren't that expensive but sometimes you run out and don't have time to go to the store, or maybe you just enjoy kitchen chemistry and being self-reliant, or you may even be allergic and want to try something that has ingredients you can pronounce. Here are the recipes I found and am looking forward to trying them. They're really easy and each can be made in just a couple minutes using things most people have laying around the house.


1/2 cup water
2 teaspoons sugar
2 Tablespoons rubbing alcohol
6-8 drops essential oils (optional)

Bring water to a boil then remove from heat. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Then add the rubbing alcohol and 6-8 drops of your favorite essential oil scent (optional). Allow to cool before pouring into your favorite spray bottle. 

Be sure to use a spray bottle that creates a fine mist. If the droplets in the mist are too big you wont get very good coverage on your hair. I recommend re-purposing a spray bottle that once had another hair product in it. 

If you like a firm hold you may want to apply more of the spray but allow 20-30 seconds for i to dry before spraying your hair down again. You may find that you only need one application to achieve your desired level of hold, or you may want to do it again.

According to the website I found this recipe on the sugar in the spray actually adds more shine to your hair, and who doesn't want that!?


A spray bottle
Hair conditioner of your choice

Fill your spray bottle two-thirds full with water. Add enough conditioner to fill the bottle, leaving a little space in the top so you can shake the contents. Shake the bottle well, making sure there aren't any more globs floating around. Spray the mixture into your hair and brush as you would normally.

Add a tablespoon or two of white vinegar to the mix for extra moisture, as well as to help balance the pH of your hair. This is especially useful if you regularly color treat your hair.


2 egg whites

Crack eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Whip the whites till they form stiff peaks. Apply to hair as you would regular mousse. Store any left overs in an air tight container in the fridge and use within 2-3 days. 

But what if I am allergic to eggs?!

1cup Water
1/4th tspn Gelatin

Bring the water to a boil and stir in the gelatin. Once its dissolved allow the mixture to cool to room temperature before applying to hair as you would a regular mousse.

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