Homemade stuff is a bit of a hobby of mine but this one came about from one
month where the budget was really tight and we ran out of not just our regular dishwasher detergent but our liquid dish soap too! So I didnt even have the option to handwash our dishes! HOLY CRAP! So I started looking around on the internet for a homemade recipe. If you already make your own laundry detergent you may already have some of these ingredients on hand.

1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Kosher Salt
1/2 cup (or more) Citric Acid
White Vinegar or Lemon Juice

Mix dry ingredients in a plastic tub and allow to sit on the counter, stirring every couple hours. The sit and sitr process allows the citric acid to clump and then be broken up to prevent massive clumps. This can also be prevented by adding a teaspoon of dry white rice to the
detergent. If you have hard water you may need to add more citric acid, you will know if this is the case if your glassware comes out with a white film on it. 

This white film may take a few washes to come off completely. If you have
excessive film build up or do not wish to deal with the citric acid clumping in
the detergent you can add the acid to each load to determine what ratio is best to prevent film. This film is not harmful.

The white vinegar or lemon juice is to be used in place of the drying/rinse agent. 

Add 1tbls to each load in the regular detergent cup and wash as usual.

I have also seen recipes that include 20 Mule Team Borax but as I am currently out of Borax I will have to wait to experiement with this. I will post an update as soon as I am able.

The most expensive ingredient will be the citric acid, so be sure to shop around online for it to find a decent price. I found mine on eBay for a little over $3/lb with $5 in shipping fees. Citric Acid can also be used in canning, candy making, cooking, homemade tooth powders to create a foaming action for cleaning between the teeth, and can even be used as a supplement to improve your body's ability to absorb other

So experiement and enjoy!